
Tuesday 28 February 2012

My Diary

It was a really bright and sunny day.When I woke up I rushed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and wash my face.Next I brushed my hair and then I got my lunch box and put it in my bag and then we come to school.

Monday 20 February 2012

Endangered rino

rino are very inportent to the earth because they are nearly exctink because some people only kill the rino to take there horn of and sale it to get over a 5,000,000 millino dollers.

our plant in room 7

From a little little seed to a mystery of a plant it grows.Can't you believe is it only toke 6 day.I wonder what the little seed are.I wonder if it's going to be a fruit.

Thursday 16 February 2012


Plants are living things like animals they eat they breath and they grow.Some plants are strange and different to other plants like this funny looking plant.Plants act normal but if any bugs fly past they will open its mouth and then close.


Tigers are very dangerous to go towards it because is will attack you from behind you or in front of you.tigers have black and brown stripes on its body to be unseen to attack its pray.


Today I have been reading about elephants they are really exciting.Once you read about them you will learn more about the elephant.I learnt that elephant use there task to protected there babies in the wild.Elephant stay in a pack to take on there enemas.

Celery Surprise Reflection

Yesterday my class and I were doing a little experiences.We found out that if you put celery in side a glass jar fulled up half way with blue food coloring.We left it in the class for 1 day you would see that after lunch that there are blue dots on the top of the celery.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

My identity poem

I have black and brown coloured hair

I have light brown coloured skin

I am a hard leaner

I like to show up at school

I love to swim

My dream is to be an excellent swimmer

I have lots of friends that support me

I can play gentle and kind

I love my family

I say GO AWAY to my brothers

I love puppy's

I like to plate my hair after swimming

I pretend that I’m a teacher

I love to watch t.v

I like to go on Internet

I love animals

I can speak Tongan

I love to run around

I like to do Maori patterns with my family

I like to play with cold water

By Mary