
Friday 6 September 2013

Cross country rap/poem

Walt: write a rap/poem

As i’m running down the hill I could
feel myself wanting to sprint i’m nearly there
it’s not so far but next to me is my
friend  Racer she is really fast,

I can beat her and come 2nd in the cross
country but suddenly I could feel my
legs getting really heavy like i’m stuck
in the sand at the beach,

Sweat rolling down my face like it’s
going to rain, just eleven big steps
and i’m nearly there just five more steps and
i’m at the finish line,

I came 2nd i’m really happy I can’t believe it,
After I finish the race I could feel myself dehydrated
and needed water in my systems, I grabbed a
water bottle and wanted more so I grabbed a second
and still wanted more but I had to stop or I will
explode, It was the end of cross country I was so
happy that I don’t need to do any more running,

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