
Friday 28 June 2013


Walt: use tiles to cover the lounge floor.

Today for maths we were learning about  area.  We had to partner up with the person next to you. Crystal and I were partners.  When we were doing it we had to use a whiteboard and pretend that it was a lounge floor and needs to be covered. Crystal and I use 150 tiles. I knew that it was 150 because I worked it out by 15 x 10=150. When I looked at everyone decoration for the lounge floor I was excited. They were very unique because some of us used different tiles. I thought that it was hard because we took a little bit long to finish since our tiles were small. Blade and Chase decoration took a little bit longer because their one was a little bit smaller.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Wednesday 26 June 2013


In this symmetry maths game I had to rotate the shape and see how many times will it go around. It has to go around and then go back to where it started. This is good because if you forgot how to do symmetry you could draw a triangle and then use a ruler with a pencil to get a symmetry line through the middle.

Tuesday 25 June 2013


Walt: write an information report

In Ancient Egypt the Egyptians mummified their dead. Before they could make the dead person into a mummy they had to remove all it’s organs and only leave the heart. After they have removed the organs they put salt all over the body and then dried the body. When they dried the body they stuffed the inside with cloth to keep the body in shape. Next they oiled the body and wrapped it up with lots of bandages so that it could stop the body from rotting away. The mummification was supervised by a priest that wears a jackal on his head. The Egyptians believed that the priest could send the dead bodies spirits to it’s afterlife. The people that is not important will be placed into a wooden box or a decorated box. The important people like Pharaohs will be placed into a stone coffin.

Monday 24 June 2013

A Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt

Walt: to write in correct paragraphs.

I am a Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt. I am in charge of everyone and I have 100,000 slaves.

My vizier gives the instructions to my slaves because without me they wouldn't know what to do. Also without me they could not have been feed. I respect my people and they respect me that's why they picked me to become their ruler. I'm also important to my people because when I die I would become a god and watch over my people.

As a Pharaoh my right hand man is important to me. He is in charge of telling me what is going on all over Egypt. He is also a judge in the higher courts. If you had a problem you could take it to the vizier. It could be dangerous because he could sentence you to 2 to 3 years in jail.

Friday 21 June 2013

Ancient Egypt report


Walt: write an information report.

Contribution to time

In Ancient Egypt there was a priest called Amenemopet. He was the priest that knew how to tell time. The priest is also called the hour-watcher because he tells the time during the day and the night. At night Amenemopet use a water clock. The water clock is a container that they fill up with water it also has marks in the inside. The water drips from a really small hole at the bottom of the container. The water will drop in one of the marks and then it will drop into another which means that one hour has past.


When someone has died the people who does the mummies go and get the person and then take out all his organs except his heart. Next they put salt all over his body and dried it. After that they stuffed cloth inside his body to keep his shape. Then they put oil over his body and raped him with a lot of bandages to stop the body from rotting away. All of the process is supervised by the priest that wears the jackal on his head that signified Anubis. The Egyptians believed that the priest could send the dead bodys spirit into the next life. All the important people like the Pharaoh is placed in a stone coffin and ordinary people just get placed in a decorated box or a normal box.


Pyramids where built for the Pharaoh so when they die that could claim the pyramid and they could become a god. The pyramid was built by 100,000 slaves. Egyptians really believed in the Pharaoh that they will come back and visit them when they reach their afterlife destination

Adding decimals

In this game I have to add the decimal and keep the point in the same line. When I was looking at the equation I was trying to work it out mentally. I have  made a little bit  progress with addition of decimals. I got all of my answer right and thought that it was really awesome. I think that I could try the subtraction next because I think that it is kind of tricky.

Friday 7 June 2013

Integrating maths and topic

Walt: make sense of our learning.

Today I did constructing pyramids because it is part of our learning and we are studying about Egypt. Constructing pyramids is really cool because it’s hard and interesting like studying about Egypt. Once you study about it and make a pyramid for yourself it’s really catchy. When we did the pyramid it reminded me when we were researching about the seven wonders of Ancient World. We are doing this for a reason because from 2500 BC time they built the pyramid without using modern machinery.

Ratio blaster

Ratio blaster is a really hard game for me because I kept on getting mixed up with 2 to 6 and 3 to 8 because I forgot that you could change it into a fraction. When I play ratio blaster again I will know what to do and how to beat the time. But I think this is a really good game for me to catch on to.