
Wednesday 25 September 2013

Why can't I live

Walt: solve problems in statistics.

Today I have been playing a probability game that was really fun and kind of tricky because you had to see if it was certain or probable to pull out a red or a blue block. I thought that it was hard at the end but it wasn't because I got use to it and carried on getting all of the questions right.

Monday 23 September 2013

Probably a favourite

Walt: solve problems in statistics.

I thought that it would've been really hard but it was easy. In this game I had to count to see how many pecan clusters. Once I know how much pecan clusters I add them all up and then I push taste and then the customer taste and she/he is happy because I got it right.

Friday 13 September 2013


Walt: explain the Maori contribution to time.

In the north-eastern horizon Matariki is bear to come. Matariki could come around the last few days in May on the tail of the milky way or in the early June. We celebrate matariki so that we could come together with our family and have a lovely time. Also we could bond.

Every year the Maori and all the other people that wants to contribute come together and tell stories and they do kapa haka. When the Maori do kapa haka everyone joins in and then they all start singing. Lots of tribes celebrate at different times because some celebrate when the new moon rose. Other tribes celebrate when they see matariki in the north-eastern horizon. The celebration will last until the next full moon rose.

Traditional customs:
Some traditions come together and they sing songs or the camp outside. The maori said that every year the stars go brighter and the season go warm. They will all start the festival before the next new moon. They all have a feed for lunch or they could have some hungi. They make the hungi the same.

The maori once belief that the seven sister were evil and that they will never glow bright. They thought that the seven sister were smashed into lots of little stars.

Contribution to time:
The Maori’s could tell when the brightest star is in the sky. The Maori every year looked up in the sky around 4:00 to 5:00 clock because that’s when it will appear.


Walt: study skin infections.

Impetigo is one of the skin infections. Impetigo is caused by one or two bacteria staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes. Impetigo could also cause strep throat. Also impetigo will show up on your mouth, legs, arms and everywhere else. Children that are at a young age could catch it if they have been cut, scratched or if they have grazed their knee. It wouldn't be nice if one of the children get it and come to school because the person that has it could pass it on to their friends and family that are young. That’s why we always advise you to wash your hands every time you finish playing. You could identify impetigo because it is yellow and pusy.

Mum send me more chocolate

The weather in east Timor is 47 degrees Celsius which is really hot. The green patrol soilorie are the soilories that hide in the bush with their face covered with green and brown camouflage on their face which is to see if any of their amy are around in their territory. The blue patrol soilories have fun because that get to go into the village and introduce themselves. They also play soccer, volleyball and other games. Sports in Timor sounds really sore to your feet because I’m really use to soft grounds like grass. I think the reason the soldiers asked for chocolate is because the kids and children there never tasted chocolate before.

Marble rolled

Walt: measure and record distances accurately.

This week I have been learning how to do a scatter graph. Doing a scatter graph was new to our learning. This was the main graph that we needed to do to get us beyond our stage and feather. I thought doing a scatter graph would've been really hard because it was my first time doing a graph like that. Once I figured out how to do it I started putting in my data and filled in all the information. Once that was all finish I clicked next and then my scatter graph was the way it was suppose to be, and it was just like what I did on my scatter graph paper.

Friday 6 September 2013

Food Tech

Walt: make food around the world

I really enjoyed food technology because every Monday we make different cultural food. We had to make chop suey because we were heading to Tonga. I also enjoyed making chop suey because you had to mix lots of other recipes. I didn’t like making Pesupo because it tasted funny to me that's why I don’t like it. Pesupo is kind of tricky to make also because you have to combined staff really quick. At home I tried making Easter rich chocolate tarts because I told my family that it tasted so nice and that they had to try it out. When they tasted the rich chocolate tartes they wanted me to make more. Next time I would love to make an Afghanistan culture food that they make for a celebration or someone's birthday.

Milk in school

Walt: share our thoughts on ‘’milk in schools’’.

I think that all schools need milk because if we get a milo and it’s really hot you could tip a little bit in and it would be just right for you. Also you could use it for making a filling nice and cold after coming from the dentist.

I think they should because some parents don’t work and they pay the bills for your house and they won’t have enough money left. The government is the one that funes all the schools so it should be able to pay for the milk to.

It could help them by not getting burned when they drink it. It could also help them by having a warm milk and it could help our bones and muscles get stronger.

Character study

In the story that I was reading Alan is a hard working boy and he loves his cat Daisy. Alan  has a brother Ben who is fourteen and he is ten. He also has two littlies Beth and Fin. Every day before Alan goes sleep Daisy sleeps at the end of Alan bed and she always watched him do his homework. Alan has some odd jobs. Every week Alan get twenty dollars. He will spend some and save some to get a radio-controlled plane.

Alan is a hard worker because he works every week to try and earn some money for what he really wants. He is also a focussed person. If Alan was told to go and do something or get something he would go and get. He is also carrying because when Daisy got hit by the car her leg was badly injured and she was losing a lot of blood. He was so scared because he thought that Daisy would of died so he quickly rushed her to the vets. Mrs Jameson said that Daisy was in a really bad shape and then Alan said is Daisy going to be okay.

Picking Pocket Money

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
$ 1
$ 4
$ 1
$ 2
$ 1
$ 9
$ 10
$ 1
$ 4
$ 2
$ 5
$ 32
$ 2
$ 10
$ 1
$ 2
$ 7
$ 22
$ 5
$ 4
$ 2
$ 10
$ 10
$ 31
$ 1
$ 2
$ 5
$ 1
$ 7
$ 16
$ 10
$ 2
$ 4
$ 5
$ 5
$ 26
$ 7
$ 5
$ 1
$ 7
$ 1
$ 21
$ 7
$ 2
$ 5
$ 5
$ 10
$ 29
$ 1
$ 4
$ 10
$ 10
$ 10
$ 35
$ 5
$ 2
$ 1
$ 1
$ 4
$ 13
$ 1
$ 10
$ 7
$ 10
$ 5
$ 33
$ 2
$ 7
$ 10
$ 10
$ 4
$ 33
Walt: Exploring probability with the help of a simulation.

This week for maths it was really fun because we had to play a dice game and get a partner. My partner was Devonn. Devonn and I took turns at rolling the dice, we both had fun playing. We had roll it five times for every month and then total it all up. On the dice had $7, $4, $1, $2, $10, $5 which kind of made it hard to total. thought it would of been easy but it was hard because you never know which number it would land on.

Cross country rap/poem

Walt: write a rap/poem

As i’m running down the hill I could
feel myself wanting to sprint i’m nearly there
it’s not so far but next to me is my
friend  Racer she is really fast,

I can beat her and come 2nd in the cross
country but suddenly I could feel my
legs getting really heavy like i’m stuck
in the sand at the beach,

Sweat rolling down my face like it’s
going to rain, just eleven big steps
and i’m nearly there just five more steps and
i’m at the finish line,

I came 2nd i’m really happy I can’t believe it,
After I finish the race I could feel myself dehydrated
and needed water in my systems, I grabbed a
water bottle and wanted more so I grabbed a second
and still wanted more but I had to stop or I will
explode, It was the end of cross country I was so
happy that I don’t need to do any more running,