
Tuesday 11 December 2012


Dear room6

When we were walking down to your school I was really excited. But when I saw your class I got really shy. When we had to sit and socialise with you there was funny feeling inside of me. When I have a funny feeling in my stomach I feel sick but once I got to meet you I felt comfortable. After socialising I wondered where we were walking until I saw music on a class room. While we were getting partnered up we had to play the ukulele. When we had a ukulele we had to learn the notes for the ukulele like C, G7 and F.

I wish that I can see your class again and learn some  more notes.

Yours Sincerely

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Netbook Reflection

Today I have been doing a reflection about my netbook. We had to reflect on how the netbook helps us with our learning and any other way.

With my netbook I can do my maths. During maths I do lots of mistakes and I always get to fix it up faster than doing it with a rubber. During my one year I have found out that netbooks  can be really helpful. When I use my netbook I feel relaxed because my arms and fingers don't have to hurt when I use a pencil.

I think commenting on other peoples blogs is really interesting because I get to look at what they were learning.

My goal for next year is to learn how to make an eBook online.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Extreme Fear

Walt: write a story in sequence.

Yesterday was the big jump. Chris wanted to break the world's biggest fear fall. He was really scared because he was going to spring into space and zoom down to earth.

Chris and his ground crew zoomed straight to England to execute the worlds biggest jump. The helium balloon carried Chris all the way up into the galaxy where you cannot hear a thing.

He was just about to spring into space. Chris was extremely terrified he felt like he was going to faint. When he jumped he just felt like he was gliding on air. When Chris was going to land on earth his visor were really foggy he couldn’t see anything. Luckily he quickly wiped his visor and he landed perfectly like he had planned.

Chris had a lot of guts to jump from out of space. His crew asked him “was it a lovely trip down?”. Everyone said he had the speed to zoom really fast.

Chris had landed really safe onto the ground. Everyone was amazed that he made it down really safe. He was proud of himself for taking the helium balloon up into space and jumping out of it.

The message is about doing something crazy and believing in yourself.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Technology Lesson

Walt: write a narrative.


This week in technology we are learning how to construct a joint. Every Monday mornings the year 7 students go to Tamaki College. We go by bus to Tamaki College.

The first process was planning. I found the planning very easy because all we had to do was think of what you are going to make. I drew my five ideas. All the measurements has to be accurate. If you make a mistake your project will be ruined.

The second process was to learn the safety rules. The first and most important rule is don’t fiddle because if you fiddle you’re not going to finish your work or pay attention to the teacher. The next rule was stools in. If your stool is not in Mr. Grundy will take the stool away from you and you would have to stand up for the whole lesson. The final rule is closed shoes. If you don’t have closed shoes you could get hurt when using tools and it won’t be Mr Grundy’s fault it would be your fault because you didn’t follow the rules. Following the rules is really important because if you don’t you're going to get yourself hurt.

I enjoy technology because we get to do lots of fun stuff and my classmates enjoy it, too. I think we should stay at hard materials because it just so much fun and the things we make we get to keep.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Tuesday 21 August 2012


My Olympic Value comic is about Friendship. But the next Olympic Value I would love to learn is Determination.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

A message to the Olympic Hockey Team

Go New Zealand Black Sticks.I wish you the best.I will be watching and listening to the news every day to see how well you did.I’m glad you beat Australia.All the best for the next game.

Friday 27 July 2012

A Very Big Thanks

Dear Mum

Thank you very much for spending lots of money on me and buying my netbook.

When its maths time I really get frustrated putting fractions into order from smallest to biggest.But I’m starting to get the hang of it now because I have my cosdibrics teacher Mrs Lammes to help me when I am struggling.

Reading is really cool because I get to talk about where the setting took place and how did it end did it end in a happy way or in a sad way.

Writing is really difficult for me because I just feel like I’m going to stay on the same stage but I’m getting there with my writing I just can’t wait to learn more about writing.

From now on I will look after my netbook and take care of it and make sure it is always safe and charged for me to learn on.

Thank You

Your daughter

Monday 26 March 2012

One Freezing Morning

When I woke up It felt like I was frozen.I got to school feeling like an ice block.As we travelled to Sacred Heart Collage and got inside to get ready for a warm up.I smelt the chocolaty,hot milo and decided to have a drink.The sweet creamy taste like a big block of chocolate was delicious.I felt so warm like a big brown bear in her cosy cave.

Monday 19 March 2012

All About Cookies

I like cookies because they tasted so yummy and because they look so yum and good looking.Do you like cookies cause I do.Do you now why I love cookies because of the chocolate cookies they taste like the chocolate bars.

Cute animals

Is this the best and amazing dog ever.I think this dog is the best because it's a really talented dog ever.Do you like dogs cause I do.How do you think is the most talented a human or animals.My answer is animals.I would like to know your answer.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Sky Rockets

Wow I love sky rockets there amazing I just love them because you never know what there going to do.

The Rafflesia

The Rafflesia is the largest flower in the world did you know that the Rafflesia Can grow up to 90 centimeters and also it has a awful smell like old meat in a garbage meat on the count of it being in the sun all day and it only flowers once a year. 

My Diary

Today my class and I were doing our work it was o.k but some people were playing games on their net book when they suppose to.I was on task and all was updating my blog most of the time I have 45 on my blog now 46.It’s nearly morning tea I got to do my blog bye.

White spider roman candle

The White Spider roman candle Is really loud and really it's one of my personal favorites I just really enjoy it and all of those different colors I give it A 10/10.


Ant kittens the best they are very small and so so so cute kind of like a little puppy.Know that kittens ant the same like puppys puppys are dogs that turn into a big and strong but kittens will grow in to a nice and pretty big cats.

Parramatta VS Warriors

As the Parramatta Eels take on the New Zealand Warriors at the Parramatta Stadium in Parramatta.It was 20 to 76 so the Parramatta lose by 56 points but I got ot tall you they did try their hardest to play them.


Ant kittens the best they are very small and so so so cute kind of like a little puppy.Know that kittens ant the same like puppys puppys are dogs that turn into a big and strong but kittens will grow in to a nice and pretty big cats.

Cute Puppy

OMG(Oh My God) ant this the cutes puppy it is so cute I would love to have a puppy like that.Do you love puppys because I do some pupys have red nose and some don't but any kind of puppy I would to have one.Witch one would you love to have any one or the one with the red nose.

Cascades Fireworks

fier works are really amazing to me because they have really pretty colours when you go and light it up and put it on the ground.I am scared of fire works because they might blow your house up and then it might catch on fire.All the little cascade I really love because they are not that dangerous to light but I do not go any were the fire works because I just really hate them I stay inside the house and watch it from in here.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

A baby kiwi

Baby Kiwis are so pretty most baby birds are born with out fur.Did you know that a kiwi is mammal even  if they have a baby inside a egg.

Monday 12 March 2012

My Diary

Today was are very cold day.When it was morning tea it was sunny again but cold and windy for me.At morning tea friends and I played touch it was very fun but some people wasn’t playing properly and they were getting angry at one other.

My diary

Today my class and I walked to the G.I pools to have our lesson.It was raining on our way to the pools.So then our class room had to walk faster.When we got there we got changed out of our uniform and into our togs.When we got into the pool it was a bit cold.
But then I got use to the water and it got warmer then before.Then I went under the water it was so cool.Then my coach teaches us some lessons to be a good swimmer.I like to swim because it was so cool and fun.


Baby animals are very cute like this baby elephant.isn't this so cute I do it looks very pretty like any other baby animals.

Black cats fireworks

This is A sweet firework I mean its one of my personal favorites i mean just by looking at it makes you want it comment and tell me what you think of it even go on
you tube and show me a link.

Thursday 8 March 2012

My Diary

In the morning I woke up at 5:00am and went and got my mums phone and played game.It was very dark and cold and then I went back to sleep and woke up at 7:00am and woke every one up.It was nearly 8:00am we all rushed into the car and came to school we a positive min

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Flower pollernation

Wind pollinated flower.The grains of pollen are usually light so they travel by wind.
Animal pollinated flowers: Pollen grains are large and stick to insects, birds and mammals body.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

My Diary

It was a really bright and sunny day.When I woke up I rushed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and wash my face.Next I brushed my hair and then I got my lunch box and put it in my bag and then we come to school.

Monday 20 February 2012

Endangered rino

rino are very inportent to the earth because they are nearly exctink because some people only kill the rino to take there horn of and sale it to get over a 5,000,000 millino dollers.

our plant in room 7

From a little little seed to a mystery of a plant it grows.Can't you believe is it only toke 6 day.I wonder what the little seed are.I wonder if it's going to be a fruit.

Thursday 16 February 2012


Plants are living things like animals they eat they breath and they grow.Some plants are strange and different to other plants like this funny looking plant.Plants act normal but if any bugs fly past they will open its mouth and then close.


Tigers are very dangerous to go towards it because is will attack you from behind you or in front of you.tigers have black and brown stripes on its body to be unseen to attack its pray.


Today I have been reading about elephants they are really exciting.Once you read about them you will learn more about the elephant.I learnt that elephant use there task to protected there babies in the wild.Elephant stay in a pack to take on there enemas.

Celery Surprise Reflection

Yesterday my class and I were doing a little experiences.We found out that if you put celery in side a glass jar fulled up half way with blue food coloring.We left it in the class for 1 day you would see that after lunch that there are blue dots on the top of the celery.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

My identity poem

I have black and brown coloured hair

I have light brown coloured skin

I am a hard leaner

I like to show up at school

I love to swim

My dream is to be an excellent swimmer

I have lots of friends that support me

I can play gentle and kind

I love my family

I say GO AWAY to my brothers

I love puppy's

I like to plate my hair after swimming

I pretend that I’m a teacher

I love to watch t.v

I like to go on Internet

I love animals

I can speak Tongan

I love to run around

I like to do Maori patterns with my family

I like to play with cold water

By Mary