
Tuesday 26 November 2013

step 2 to making a tarte tartin.

Step two to making it is that you have put batter into your pan and then put soft brown sugar on to the apples. After you do that you take it into the kitchen and heat the stove up to 200. Doing this may look ugly but when you taste it omg it blows your mind. The next step will come soon.Displaying image72.pngDisplaying image95.png

Monday 25 November 2013

Final step to making the tarte tartin

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The final step to making a the tarte tartin. This is what it would look like once you finish. Doesn't it look so nice. If you put some ice cream next to it the tarte tartin would taste so much better. If I was you I would like to make this.

Friday 22 November 2013

Step 1 of making a tarte tartin

Today my class and I made a upside down tarte tarin. First we had to peel the apples and make sure that we had to cut the core. Also make sure that you squeeze the lemon on to the apples.
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Wednesday 20 November 2013

Mathpup measurement

I think this game is a really good game because it's got a lot of things like toys and pens. In this game you have to try and get the correct one and measurement. I think this will be good for the purple group.

Career Idol


Elephant vs crocodile

Friday 15 November 2013

Reading weight and mass

I have learnt how to read the weight and the mass. I think reading the weight is really easy and simple. In this game I had to find what the arrow was on and then I had to write 3.8 so that I could get 60 points. I think this game would be good for our revision on maths.


I have learnt in this game how to calculate the mass and write the unit of mass. When I started playing I thought it would of been hard but it was quite easy because if it’s over 3kg you have to convert it into grams. Once you did that you have to plus it with the 400g or 300g. As soon as you add it up you have your answer. I think this would be a easy game for the purple group. I would like to learn algebra.

Friday 1 November 2013


Walt: write a poem with rhyme.

The taste of winning

Swipe to the left, Swipe to the right
make sure you hit it or that’s not right,
Serve from the back and serve to the
front but make sure they crotch like a
plankton that’s nearly done

It’s coming like a bullet that
just shot me but lucky I hit it
or it would had been singleton,
While I was waiting for the serve
to come I felt a slight smack into
my arms it was the shuttle that had
been served

I’m getting anxious because I’m losing,
I can’t wait until I beat him, and when I do
he will be certain that I had won and
he had lost. The band
Of glory will be finally mine


image: a graph with 4 triangles plotted

While I was reading at this everything that I had learnt in the past had come back to me. When I got on to the next page I didn't really get it because I haven't been taught it. While I was reading I learnt how to do it and the strategy.

Perimeter by length

In this game I have been tested to try and figure out what is the km for q. While I was trying I remembered that I had to add them all up and then add a number to it so that it could make 40. When I was adding them up I got the number 30. I knew that 30+10=40 so when I placed the 10 in the box I got it right. Next I would like to learn Algebra and Geometry.