
Friday 19 April 2013

My reflection for term 1

Walt: reflect on my learning.

My reflections for term 1

This week we had to do three tests. We had tests on number and measurement, geometry and  statistics and also reading.

On Tuesday I had a reading test. I got a 3B on my reading which was awesome because I’m improving. I know the different language used in poetry and figurative speech and make use of previous knowledge. Next term I will have to work on finding and retrieving information. I will work on my gaps by doing my homework and reading more books to help me understand why the author wrote the story.

After the reading test we did the number and measurement test. In this test I got a 4B which means I can go to the green group for maths. I did really well with using equations to represent practical situations and continue the order of the pattern and write the rule. I have to work to devise a strategy to solve a whole number problem and to work on making sensible statements about a statistical investigations. I will try and do homework to get better.

Today we  did a test in geometry and statistics. I got a 3B and I was so proud of myself because I thought that I forgot how to do geometry and statistics but when it came to the test I remembered everything. I did really well on describing the features of 2D and 3D objects using the language of geometry and designing and making pattern using translation, reflection and rotation. In geometry and statistics I have to work on  grid references. I will improve by trying my best with the homework and getting help from others.

For term two my goal is to get above national standards and try to get 4A.


  1. Hi Mary, I hope that you achieve this goal. I see that you have already moved up two levels, which is better than your old school. I hope you achieve your goal. If you achieve your goal, how would you feel?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Heey Mary! You have done very well ever since you got to our school we are very proud. How do you feel

  4. Hello Mary, I wish you can become a teacher because you are a smart girl and one day you can teach me because I need a lot learning. All I can say is great result on your geometry and statistics for e-asttle, well done. What does learn explore your life.

  5. Heeellllllloooooh Mary, I love your reflection on term1. I think that you are a really excellent student in Room11. The thing is that you have a really high result. What have you been up to. Well anyway this is a really good reflection. Very well done, you are a good girl.
